
Map of Abu Dhabi, showing landmarks, roads, and neighborhoods

Geospatial Mapping

All Components and Anomalies within ONE  can be assigned multiple GPS co-ordinates, enabling the display of positional information including anomaly heatmaps and other data.

Plot Plans / Heat Maps

Overlaying anomaly and component information on Plot Plans can help visualise and highlight key problems on equipment, locations and systems. This can assist with risk assessments, campaign planning and ‘the big picture’ to make smarter decisions with joined up data.

Machine icon with gears, bolts, and levers
Diagram showing various types of wells: dug, driven, drilled, and bored

Mark-up P&ID / ISO Diagrams

ONE has a central repository for P&ID and ISO’s enabling clients to mark-up and highlight diagrams electronically in the browser window. This removes the need to print, markup, scan and upload information or, to attach it to a spreadsheet or within another document. Marked up diagrams may be saved within the anomaly, component or inspection task being worked on.